About Us
Sunrise Grocery is a little country store that has been supplying the mountains of North Georgia since the early 1920s. It sits in the Choestoe Valley just south of Blairsville at the foot of Neel Gap on highway 19/129. Sunrise has had many families throughout the years but has been in my family since 1983. I can't imagine life without this old store. I'm not positive but I might've had it longer than anyone! I'm going on 20 years now which is amazing! Jesica and I plan to be here for many more years to come. One thing I've always tried to do is keep it fresh and always growing. The one thing I always work around and not lose is the ambience. I believe that is what makes this place special. Each family has added their own twist through the years which has trickled down from generation to generation.
What I have decided to focus on is local goods and making the store personal. The Clemmons family is all throughout the store. My mother does all the knitting. Jesica has created Sunrise Wick and Wash, a collection of handmade soaps and candles. My creative outlet is photography with JMC Artistic Photography. The one common link to all these are the mountains that surround us. The mountains are such a large part of our lives. I think that's why my favorite quote is, "You are not in the mountains, the mountains are in you." So as time goes on we will be on this journey together. We will continue to grow and change but we will always be true. Thanks for all the support and helping us live out our dreams.